June 2022

Despite changes in the Government’s guidance on “Living With Covid”, the infection rates remain high and The Royal College of Podiatry has advised that Podiatrists are required by Public Health England to continue to wear increased levels of PPE wherever we work.

As you would expect, for your safety, I adhere to and comply with the guidelines on both infection control and appropriate use of PPE.

    • I carry out Lateral Flow Tests twice a week, for your protection.
    • Doors and windows will be left open to improve air flow.
    • Treatment couches and surfaces, door handles etc. are wiped with medical grade antibacterial and antiviral cleaner between patients.
    • I will contact you prior to your appointment to check that you don’t currently have any COVID-19 symptoms and that you haven’t been in contact with a positive case.
    • I will also ask you to cancel your appointment if you experience any of the recognised COVID-19 symptoms (blocked or runny nose, headache, fatigue or aching body, sore throat, persistent cough, shortness of breath, fever, lack of taste and smell, sickness or diarrhoea).

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to wear a face mask in your clinic?

The Royal College of Podiatry has advised that patients will be required to wear face coverings. If you are exempt from wearing a mask, please advise on booking and I will try and accommodate you at the end of the day to reduce any risk to our vulnerable patients.

Where do I wait when I arrive at clinic?

If you come in a car, I ask that you park and wait in your car until your allocated appointment time, or until I come out for you. If you are arriving by foot and the weather is fine, please wait outside until your appointment time. If is it raining / too cold to wait outside please apply your mask, come in and wait in the small waiting room to the right of the clinic. This is to reduce contact with other patients.

Will I ‘cross over’ with anyone else in the clinic?

I have built in extra ‘spacing and ventilation time’ in between appointments to reduce “cross over”. I also use this ‘buffer’ time to clean all surfaces in between patients.

Can I bring someone with me or accompany anyone?

Ideally, no. If you are bringing someone, I ask that you wait in the car while they come in for their treatment. Obviously, If you are accompanying a minor or someone with a disability or impairment and they need you to be with them, this would be an exception. Please ensure that you wear a face mask too when enteirng the clinic if this is the case.

Thank you for your understanding and for following our guidance to keep everyone safe.